Lead Generation: The Golden Rules

Written by: Mahalia Latortue

So, you want to learn how to create better lead generation? Well you’ve come to the right place! These following steps are proven lead generation boosters that, can not only increase conversions, but can also increase your site’s trust factor and authority. Here are the Golden Rules of lead generation!


  1. Properly Display Your Contact info


Properly displaying your contact info increases consumer trust and lends credibility to your business. Even if your customers don’t actually contact you, the presence of a phone number or email address does bring some comfort.

  1. Add Photos and Testimonials

Adding Testimonials and Photos of those who testified help improve your business’ credibility. Pictures speak a thousand words, so let them speak for themselves.  


  1.  Post Forms on Every Page

Customers should be able to easily access your lead forms. If they are hard to access, or aren’t easily found, customers will not put in the effort to find them and fill them out. Make it easier for your customers and keep your forms accessible at all times.




  1. Use Power Words When Describing Your Offer

Powerful action verbs such as “get,” “feel,” and “have” are strong words because of their active tone as opposed to “imagine having,” “imagine feeling” and so on. Using action oriented words in your offer places the customer in a pivotal role as the one receiving the benefits as opposed to simply imagining them.


5.Test, Test, Test

None of these tips will do you any good unless you actually test them for yourself and determine what works for your unique business. Number and quality of leads is a conversion factor just like any other – one which you’ll want to see increase and improve over time!