The Value of Time

Consider these:

1. To understand the value of a year, talk to a student who has failed an important exam.
2. To understand the value of a month, talk to a mother who has given birth to a baby a month prematurely.
3. To understand the value of a week, talk to the publisher of a weekly newspaper.
4. To understand the value of an hour, talk to a couple in love, who are separated and want only to be together again.
5. To understand the value of a minute, talk to someone who has just missed a train or a plane.
6. To understand the value of a second, talk to someone who has lost a loved one in an accident.
7. To understand the value of a millisecond, talk to someone who won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.

Time moves on whether we like it or not. How well do you ensure you are using yours wisely? We are busy people – heck, we live by the β€œNew York Minute!” Do you run your day? Or does your day run you?

Gather all the time you have left -every moment, and it will be of great use to you. Complete what you must. Ensure it imatters – to your business, to your team- and to YOU.

Mostly, remember to share time with people you value and love and it will become even more precious.


Mahalia Latortue (0)