5 Ways to Quickly Generate Leads

Have you printed dozens of flyers, you’ve sent out countless amounts of mailers, and blasted your social-media followers, but still haven’t gotten the lead flow you need to grow your company ?  Well, there are hundreds of ways to generate leads, so don’t hang your head. Calm down and take a deep breath! Here a five ways you can quickly generate leads!


1. Newsletter

Do you have a newsletter yet? If not, you’re missing out on one of the simplest way to generate more leads. Make sure you put a newsletter sign up in every possible place that makes sense on your website. Mailchimp is a great service to use to get started.

2. Blog

Having a blog is one of the best lead generating tools you can use, as it not only allows a company (or person) complete control of what is said but also an opportunity to have the undivided attention of the reader. Make sure that your blog is optimized to generate leads by having a sign-up section for your newsletter and by using the margins to promote your products and services.


Twitter is a dream for generating leads. Use it to reach out to influencers in your industry and get into conversations with them. Their followers, who are probably some of your potential customers, will see your interactions and follow you or visit your site. You can also follow trending subjects that pertain to your business and interject your thoughts into the general discussion by using hashtags.

4. Networking events

While a lot of action happens in the digital world, the real world still provides a lot of advantages, especially networking events. You’ll meet more people, expand your network and gain referrals. Iit’s a great way to build your brand. Make sure to bring business cards and don’t be afraid to ask the people you meet for their support.

5. Commercials and Videos

Please don’t produce another terrible commercial and post it on YouTube. The world doesn’t need any more of these. What people always want more of is entertainment. So, spend some time on developing a great idea that promotes your business and engages your customers. Video sites like YouTube allow you to put links directly into the video. Use these to link back to specific landing pages on your website.